Saturday 27 February 2016

Week 4, Term 1

This week for science we experimented with talking cups. We found out that it was only when the yarn was tight that the sound travelled through the cups.

If you would like to create your own talking cups at home here are some instructions.

You will need:
-2 paper cups
-yarn string (length is dependent on how far you want the sound to travel)

  1. Cut a long piece of string, you can experiment with different lengths but perhaps 20 metres (66 feet) is a good place to start.
  2. Poke a small hole in the bottom of each cup using the pencil.
  3. Thread the string through each cup and tie knots at each end to stop it pulling through the cup (alternatively you can use cellotape to hold it in place.)
  4. Move into position with you and a friend holding the cups at a distance that makes the string tight (making sure the string isn't touching anything else).
  5. One person talks into the cup while the other puts the cup to their ear and listens, can you hear each other?

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