Sunday 24 May 2015

It's that time again!

What is the purpose of this building? 

And what is it famous for?

Working Collaboratively in Maths

Place value is highly important in problem-solving.  As seen in these pictures, students must use their knowledge of basic facts to work out addition and subtraction problems in various situations. 

Grouping Tens
Addition Go Fish
Smart Chutes
Addition Bingo

Wednesday 20 May 2015


For our speeches we have been researching and finding out lots of information about our chosen animal. It would be great if parents you could talk to your child about their animal as they are so passionate about them and are doing such an amazing job! If you would like to do some research at home here are some places you can go.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Is it a golf ball?

What city is this building in?

Does it have a purpose?

What is it famous for?

Have fun!!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Catching and Throwing

These past two weeks in P.E Room 17 have been learning the skills of throwing and catching a ball. It was really fun to play a Netball game where we could put those skills into practice. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to our lovely Room 17 Mums.

We created our own special poem's based on what we love about our Mums'.
Room 17 got so creative with their ideas! I hope you love reading them as much as we loved creating them. We appreciate all the things our mothers do for us!

Ronald McDonald Road Safety

Ronald McDonald came to talk about Road Safety this week. We loved his motto "Stop, Look and Listen". It is important to always use our eyes and ears before we cross the street.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Week 3: What's this building?

So.. my little explorers where is this building and why is it famous?
Happy investigating!