Tuesday 28 July 2015

Room 17's Assembly Day

This is for the parents who missed it, or for parents who would like to watch it again. Room 17 did such a great job, I was very impressed!

Saturday 25 July 2015

Room 17's Assembly

Reminder next Tuesday will be Room's 17 school assembly, which will take place in the hall at 1.30pm. Learners have put lots of hard work in to make sure it is memorable and enjoyable assembly. Please come along and join us.

The Waka

North and South Island

Welcome Back!

Here are some pictures of our first week back. Swimming and cross country will be a main focus of term 3 as well as the art exhibition. Looks like its going to be a exciting and busy term.


Measuring the classroom 
Measuring our bodies
Paper Aeroplane Competition

Cross Country